The Modhemian

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Indigo Design Elements- Blue Blooded Bohemian


I haven't always been a cool side of the color wheel kinda gal. Growing up, my adolescent bedroom was blood red, floor to ceiling, no joke, like a mother's womb. I was innately drawn to varying hues of magentas, morroccan oranges and the occasional deep marigold. As I've aged, ever so gracefully I might add, I've mellowed not only in spirit but also in my color personality. 

Currently, I am through and through a true blue girl. I sometimes stray to the greyish side, flirt with the stronger sapphire side and if I'm feeling sassy, to the greenish turquoise side. One side that I'm totally feeling right now is the denim, chambray, vintage indigo, blue wash, whatever you want to call it, it's my sh*t, side. Its my perfect neutral, goes with everything, enhances and compliments everything around it and makes me honestly take a sigh of relief. Take one look in my closet or step foot in my home and you'll feel what I'm talking about.

This too may only be a phase, a reflection of my life in it's current state. I'm content in my own self and soul for the first time in a very long time and I feel like the colors I'm drawn to illustrates this. Perhaps once I reach mid life I'll revert back to my hot blooded, agitated, what's next, newly realized hot flash state of mind and when that happens we'll just have to redecorate. Darn!